Monday, September 15, 2008

Iran using iranian to make nukes?

In a recent report by the international atomic energy agency, also known as IAEA, Iran was found to have expanded there uranium enriching program and is not letting the IAEA to complete their probe into an allegations that Iran has been researching nuclear weapons. Iran on the other hand is saying that they only want to enrich uranium to provide nuclear power. This problem has been going on for quite some time and probably will be a large part of the election speeches. My prediction is that when the new president comes into power he or she will use a different type of foreign policy than we have seen from bush. This different type of foreign policy will most likely be less militaristic in contrast to the policy we used in Iraq and Afghanistan. My hope is that we will solve this problem without any force.

In response to ngoc's comment i would like to say that government spending actualy helps economic growth and prosperity, as shown in the formula for a nations gdp, (GDP = C + I + G + (X-M)). The G stands for government spending.

Heinrich, Mark. "Iran Blocks Probe Into Alleged Atom Bomb Work". Rueters. Monday september 15th 2008. <>.

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hey... this is joey, and this blog is for E.E.10, and if you don't know what that is, your in the wrong place.