Thursday, December 11, 2008

Third outside reading post

In this blog i will be summarizing and anaylzing pages 134-184. To open up "Razor" and his friends in his current cell area are terrorizing the nounces and the sex offenders. This abuse gets to the point that they aren't allowed out of their cells while the nounces and offenders are out. In a few weeks "Razor' and Jel both get transfered to the Borstal system. The Borstal system is reservered for the hardest of Under-age delequents. He is seperated from his known buds and has only one real ally who slips him a blade the moment he gets there. Withen the first couple of hours he tangles with the wrong people and is sneak attacked during social time. The first blow almost knocks him out but he manages to hold his own then using his devoloped fighting skills he whips out his blade and cuts his assailant's hand open. He continues pressing the attack and slices his foe across the stomache. After this his attacker tries to flee and drops his weapon but "Razor" grabs him by the hair and is about to slice his neck open when he is tackled by "15 stone" screws. When he is taken away he yells, "Next time i'll fucking kill ya!" (143). I think that Smith at first is completly justified in defending himself with a blade but as he gets more into the battle he continues the assault just for enjoyment and an increase in reputation. In this section of the book you can clearly see the difference between the beginning Smith and were he is now.
In the second half of this section Smith is taking to the punishment block and meets the first nice screw he has ever met. The Screw's name is Mr. Black and offers Smith a ciggerate. Smith cleverly relates this to the time when the germans and british came out of their trenches and played football on december 25th. Smith finally realizes that not all management and powers are abusive, however this has no lasting effect on him. After his chapter at Rochester Borstal he is sent to a prison hospital. Upon is arrival he is beaten sensless and a "doctor" comes to him with a medication to help with the pain. He doesn't have any choice but to take the medicine and becomes mentally impaired. He is taken to his cell where he sits like a vegatable realizing what is happening but helpless to stop. He manages to stop drinking his tainted water but the gaurds notice and force him to drink it. With this comes an unreleaseable rage that builds up. Speaking ethically the doctor is extremly corrupt because he is destroying lives that still have potential, and enjoying it.

Citation- on original post

1 comment:

Kevin L140 said...

Um... How is the doctor enjoying the Razor's life? Anyway, I find the situation to be quite inhumane/tortuous, and that this would probably prompt his future actions. Just one question. If he became a vegatable, how would he become a slasher?

About Me

hey... this is joey, and this blog is for E.E.10, and if you don't know what that is, your in the wrong place.